A while ago i wrote about my struggle with anorexia..I did not end the story, cuz the way my eatingdisorder ended, or got better, was because of another disease.
It was in december 2003 (if i remember it right). There was alot going on in my life at that time. My sister had a hard time, I wont tell you what cuz I think that it is her business if she wants to tell, my mother also had a hard time dealing with a medical condition, and my fathers mother was ill, and in the hospital. I dated a guy I kind of liked..I remember I at that time had problems with my feet. I got an inflammation in on of the tendons in one of my feet. When that got better, the other one got the same problem. I thought it was becuase i ran alot, so that my feet were congested..well, I had kind of right but oh so wrong.
The guy broke up with me and I was kind of sad, I knew it would come to an end, we didn't match. MY grandma got sicker and my dad sad..my mom had recovered and my sister was on her way to recover. I on the other hand was not, my problems had just started!
I remember I was out running and i started to feel something wierd in my foot. It was underneath the left foot under the middle toe..it felt like a needle or something..I didn't think much about it..but then one day my toe got swollen. I went to see a doctor, but she said that it would be ok. In a vcouple of weeks the toe was still swollen..I went to see the doctor again..this time it was a young man..he sent me to get an xray, but it did not show anything so i just waited..Then I went to the doctors AGAIN this time she said it could be a nerve that was clamped..I told her what i should do but she said that I could have surgery at some point, but she did not tell me when..I was so sad..I wanted to run and stuff, but i couldnt.
At tis time my hip had started to hurt also..I couldn't really walk normally, it hurt so much..At some point my dwollen toe became a swollen foot, so I went to the doctor and she smiled and said:"Now it is like a little bun". Then she connected the swollen foot and my hip with another case in my family..she told me to lay down on a bed so that she could examen me..then she told me: you have reumathism.
Reumathism is a disease that makes your body attack your own body so that your joints get inflammated. I had this in the family, and all the stress within my family at this point, plus my eatingdisorder, could have been te reason i got this disease.
Now the hell started. I got strong painkillers from the doctor, cuz i couldn't really walk on my foot. At this time I was taking my driverslicense, and i just hated my drivinginstructor..she was mean, and I, who r, or at least was at that point, unsure of myself had a hard time learning. I can tell u this story later. i REALLY hated her, she was a mean bitch! Well, I paused my driving lessons, so that I could put my energy on becoming healthy again.
I got to she a specialist in this kind of disease, and she helped me. The pain was so bad! When I woke up in the morning it took me 15-20 minutes just to get out of bed, while crying and screaming because of the pain. I couldn't really put down my left foot, cuz it feltl ike knifes, it took forever to put my foot down, and it felt the same when i had to lift the foot from the ground again. My elbow started to hurt to, i couldn't get my arm straight..But I was not te one to complain. I didn't want my parents to drive me to the bus in the mornings so that i could go to school, no, i walked..i dragged my foot after me and well, i looked kind of like Quasimodo.
At one appointment with the specialist, I got a needles stuck into my elbow, a thick one. I didn't think it felöt bad, though she said it would hurt. Out came a yellow substanse, and that was what they needed to know what kind of reumathism I had and what kind of medicine I needed. I got medicine for my disease, and in some months i started to get better. I often got cortisone shots above my toe..I recovered kind of well, even if it was a struggle. At one point i had to go to the hospital and i stayed there fore a couple of days..but i did my homework and such, and i cried..i didn't want to be there..i didn't want to get fat (at the time i weighed 44kg). But after this time, i kind of started to recover from my disease. It took some years (five or 6 maybe) before i could stop eating the medicine, and before i could stop eating cortisone that made me swollen and made me feel sooo fat. It took even longer to really get rid of my obsession with my body. I am not really happy with how i look, but i have accepted it, and i feel happy, and that is all that matters, isn't it?
So, if u read this, and if u r struggeling with some demons of your own, or some disease, please, think positive, even if it's hard! I have learned life is much easier if you try to stay on top, even if you could be on the bottom. A positive mind also helps with the healing process, and that is a fact!
Nowasays i am really positive, I try to see the positive things in everything. Negativity brings you down, even if sometimes u have to be negative to stay positive.
hugs from me! My story continues when i feel like i am in the right mood for sharing.
thanks for listening!